History of MHT School
Most Holy Trinity School began in 1888 as a four classroom building named St. Joseph. It was a multi-age and grade level building through eighth grade. In 1923, two grades of high school were added. In 1928, a new school with eight classrooms was built to house both grade school and high school students. A civic election in 1943 brought Most Holy Trinity into the public school system, giving the school state funds and, at the same time, making it possible for MHT to retain many parochial features. This remained for two years before becoming a full parochial school again. The high school went public in 1952. In 1928 a two-story brick building was built as the school and it remains in use today. In 1958, the northern addition was built. First, second, and third grades were released to the public school in the early sixties. In 1969, a shared time program was implemented with the public school where MHT students had four classes in our buildings and three classes at the public school. This continued until the 1990-91 school year when MHT went completely on its own for two years. In 2011, third grade was added again as a combined 3rd/4th grade classroom. The following year, a combined 1st/2nd grade classroom was added to make Most Holy Trinity a complete elementary school once again. Presently, we offer a combined grade level approach at all grade levels and have a share time program with our local public school, Fowler Public Schools. Our students attend Waldron Elementary and Middle School, for about one class period per day and participate in a combined, shared expense athletic program with the Eagles.